Daily Life at the Crossing

Our film Daily Life at the Crossing (4:30 min), 2019, premiered at the Thursday Night Live program on September 5th, 2019, at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. Afterwards, it has been part of the Neuhaus exhibition until September 15, 2019. The video is based on the results of the masterclass Architecture as Sonic Experience, guided by PolakVanBekkum at SPEKTRUM in Berlin (April 14-15, 2018). The workshop, video, and the presentation on September 5 where all part of the public research project reDesigning Affect Space.

Watching this film, our minds will try to fix the visual and audio deficiencies and create coherent space. Video and both left and right audio channels are derived from ‘reality’ but do not match as we are used to.

This video is an experiment in the experience of space. You see the algorithmically produced virtual world that is offered to us by Google Earth in July 2019 while hearing an extended binaural recording: the left channel is recorded on the south side of a building, the right channel on the north side. The building itself as a giant head in between. Location: the Martin-Luther Strasse/Hohenstaufen Strasse crossing in Berlin.


15 March 2020: 23rd International Encounters Traverse

Stills from the video Daily Life at the Crossing.
Daily Life at the Crossing in Het Nieuwe Instituut
Daily Life at the Crossing in Het Nieuwe Instutuur, Rotterdam.