Luidt de Zuidpoort[/vimeo]The strangeness of a new house ore neighbourhood becomes apparent it the experience of the sounds. To develop a feeling of home, one has to get familiar with the sounds of the place.
In the beginning, every new sound stands out.

The project Luidt de Zuidpoort uses this heightened sensibility for sound, in organizing a walking tour / concert trough the neighbourhood for the new and seizing citizens of Delft. During this tour the sound could be explored and experienced in the form of this concert.

How does the parking lot sound, how does shopping sound, homecoming or the view over the bridge?

In collaboration with: Huba de Graaff (composer), Bart Visser (director) Ernst Dullemond (design) Nico Bink en Derk van Berkel (production) Arnold Hoogerwerf (video) and Foundation Beelddiktee

Practical information
One evening concert in the Zuidpoort neighbourhood of Delft .
The concert made use of a mobile tower bell system, chorus, and pre recorded sounds.
year of production: 2005