
#SandMapping takes place in public spaces and on the Internet.
Anyone can join, everywhere and always! The effect is magical: wherever you create a #SandMapping the entire atmosphere changes.

#SandMapping is comprised of creating and photographing circular drawings with sand, using a PET (plastic) bottle filled with sand tied to a piece of rope.

Post your #SandMapping photo or video online on your favourite social network and add #SandMapping.
The project is actively launched by Esther Polak, Ivar van Bekkum and Bert Kommerij in April and May 2013.
During that period (and ongoing) everybody is free to initiate any #SandMapping anywhere.
All on-line images that are tagged with #SandMappping are considered to be part of the project.

Project BLOG
Project Facebook-page
Google Image Search

Artistic motivation
The project stems from our experiences with sand-drawings in NomadicMILK and Spiral Drawing Sunrise. We found that besides their representative meaning, the sand-drawings also altered the experience of the space where they were executed, so we wanted to work with them solely in different locations. We decided to make this sand drawing as simple as possible: just a circle. When Bert Kommerij joined, he brought this idea of sharing. We like the thought of the compass as a navigational tool. Hence the title #SandMapping.

Practical information
Year of production: 2013-ongoing. The artists are available to be commissioned for collaborative #SandMapping performances from June 2013 on. Mind that performances can be executed independently as well, without the presence or even consent of the artists.
