Intro (begin van het artikel)
The book Art and Electronic Media, edited by Edward A. Shanken, was published in 2014 by Phaidon Press.
“Esther Polak and leva Auzina with Marcus The. MILK 2004 GPS, Internet. multimedia installation
The advent of GPStechnology and other forms of locative media has provided tools for artists to generate alternative forms of geography and mapping. MILK uses GPS technology to map and visualize the continuous global flow of milk from the udder of a cow in latvia to the consumer’s plate in the Netherlands. Participants in the project ,including farmers, cheese producers, and consumers, reflected on their personal positions in relation to the transnational Milkline, a flow that knows ‘no borders, just land with people and things.’ Users can follow the Milkline on the Web and explore a geographical narrative of agricultural production and consumption. As Marc Tuters and Kazys Varnelis have written: MILK suggests a powerful vision of how locative technologies could allow one to more fully understand how products are commodified and distributed through the actions of global trade thereby making visible the networked society.”